For the Desk

- Organize the list in any order with one click.
- Create views for one or many trading accounts.
- Approve trades automatically or manually.
- Circle (take firm) an item.
- View your trade and offering history for any bond instantly.
- See your P&L both realized and unrealized.
- Review sales commissions.
- Automatically re-price offerings for new settlement date.

- See final numbers before saving a trade.
- Write and manage trades and tickets.
- Create Trade, Operations and Commission notes.
- See excess P&L and PMP values and warnings.
- Create block trades for later allocation to accounts.

- Offerings for both Customer (Sales) and the Street.
- Publish offerings to multiple ATSs and platforms and receive executions.
- Connect to: TMC Bonds, TradeWeb Direct, Bondpoint, Hartfield, Chapdelaine and Bloomberg PICK

- Live blotter lets you monitor trades as they occur.
- See all time stamps… order, approved and transmitted to back office.

- See trade history for any item you’ve ever traded.