Desktop Bond Calculators

Repair of Monroe 3180 Bond Calculators 

Zia is no longer directly involved in the repair of Monroe 3180 bond calculators. Our former employee, John Donagher, has relocated to North Carolina and we have passed the repair business on to John.

You will be invoiced directly by John who will take full responsibility for his work and for the shipment of calculators. While Zia cannot guarantee the work, we highly recommend John and have the highest confidence in his ability.

Products for repair should be shipped to:

John Donagher
1544 Colonist Square Southwest
Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469

Telephone: 910-755-5230

History of Monroe Bond Calculators

1989 – 2005 • 3180 Trader II
1979 – 1989 • Monroe Trader 1980
1973-1979 • Monroe 360/65 (also sold as Compucorp)
1971-1973 • Monroe 1272 (also sold as Compucorp 250)